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Sweet SKTBS jeans guide

12+Sweet+Sktbs-17Big skate jeans

Choosing the right pair of jeans can be difficult, and at Sweet SKTBS we have a lot of different ones to choose from. We've made a guide on the models we stock to make the choice easier!

Big skate jeans

The Big Skate jeans are the baggiest ones we stock, perfect for those who want a comfortable fit with plenty of room for movement. These jeans have a straight leg cut that makes them perfect for skateboarding. Made with high-quality denim, these jeans are built to last at a fair price.

Loose jeans

The loose jeans are what the name says, loose. But you could also call them a big skate light since they're pretty much the same but slightly less baggy. Besides that you can find them in lots of different washes and the quality makes them the perfect pair of everyday jeans.


Tapered Jeans

Everyone isn't necessarily a fan of baggy jeans, and in that case we have the tapered jeans. Still a bit loose at the top for comfort, with a tapered fit down the leg. Perfect option when you want something in between slim and loose jeans.

OG Slim Jeans

The OG Slim jeans are the ones for those who want a classic, slim-fitting look. They have a tight fitting narrow leg cut that makes you look like a 80's rockstar if you combine it with a black leather jacket! Guess you don't need more info than that.

In summary, Sweet SKTBS offers a range of jeans models to suit different styles and preferences. The Big Skate and Loose jeans offer a more relaxed and comfortable fit, while the Tapered and OG Slim jeans provide a more snug fit.

If you're unsure about the sizes you can always check the size guide under each product!